Our school is committed to ensuring the welfare of every child:
- It is the responsibility of all adults to safeguard and promote the welfare of pupils
- Adults who work with children are responsible for their own actions and behaviours and should avoid any conduct which could lead any reasonable person to question their motivation and intention
- Adults must work and be seen to work in an open, transparent way.
- The same professional standards must always be applied regardless of culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious beliefs and sexual identity.
- We are an operation encompass school.
- We use Smoothwall to filter and monitor.
In our school our Safeguarding Lead is : Mrs Johnson who is responsible for filtering and monitoring
The Deputy Safeguarding Leads are:
- Mrs Bruntlett- AHT
- Miss Smallwood- AHT
- Mrs Day – SENCO Assistant
- Mrs King – Attendance and Office Manager
- Mrs Lavender and Miss Dickinson- Woodpeckers Safeguarding DSLs
Our Safeguarding Governor is : Mrs Krystal Knight
We foster a culture of openness and support and have in place a Whistleblowing policy to ensure there are clear procedures in place for dealing with allegations against staff which are in line with our Local Safeguarding Children Board’s procedures
As part of our induction procedure, ALL new staff receive the following training and information:
- Briefing on Child Protection
- Health and Safety induction checklist
- Guidance for Safer Working Practice for adults who work with children and young people in education settings.
- Copy of the Safeguarding Policy
- Copy of Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023
We are an operation encompass school. Operation Encompass is a partnership between police and schools.
Please note if you are concerned about a child, you should act without delay and contact Warwickshire Front Door on 01926 414144 explaining your concerns. Please remember, whilst it is usually the DSL who contacts the Front Door, anyone can contact the Front Door if you are concerned.
If you are concerned that a child is in immediate danger, you should contact the police directly.