
At Woodside, the vision across our curriculum is :

  • To provide a learning environment that promotes equal ambitions for all pupils to learn and achieve through our vision. To provide a safe space for our children to develop:
    • A life long love of learning
    • A natural curiosity for the world
    • A sense of community
    • To live life in all its fullness

In maths , our aim is to:

  • To deliver a rich and varied curriculum which develops fluency, reasoning and problem solving; enabling pupils to apply mathematical skills and understanding to real life while fostering curiosity and wonder.

 The Curriculum

The basis for the Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 maths curriculum is the White Rose Maths scheme which provides a broad and balanced programme of work. 

In Early Years and Year 1, the NCETM Mastering Number Programme has been adopted to provide all pupils with a solid foundation in number which will support them as they progress through the school.

Lesson Structure

Most lessons will adopt a structure based on Rosenshine’s 10 principles of instruction, providing pupils with the opportunity to reflect on previous learning, respond to open questions by explaining their reasons, approach new learning in small steps with concrete and pictorial resources to scaffold learning. Independent practice will involve teachers checking for understating through live marking and questioning.

Knowledge Acquisition

Declarative knowledge –  ‘I know that’ – is developed through the fluency element which is presented at the beginning of all maths lessons and allows pupils to retrieve facts from across the curriculum.

Procedural knowledge – ‘I know how’ – is developed through the direct teaching of methods/concepts and the principles underpinning them.  This is addressed through and I Do, We Do, You Do elements of a lesson.

Conditional knowledge – ‘I know when’ – refers to understanding when and how strategies should be applied to reason and problem solve.  It is a combination of declarative and procedural knowledge which helps all pupils to achieve mastery in this subject.  Reasoning and problem solving planned for within and across lessons, where all pupils are encouraged to reason in their spoken and written responses to carefully designed questions and tasks.

 Ref: A Summary of Ofsted’s Maths Research Report for Primary Teachers and Leaders (

Support, Scaffolding, Deepening

All pupils are provided with the support and scaffolding they need to achieve and all pupils can access tasks which will enable them to achieve mastery through deep, connected learning.  A fluid concrete, pictorial, abstract approach is taken by teachers to enable pupils to make links and manipulate mathematical ideas. We are proud to be linked to Origin Maths Hub to support the development of mastery across the school.


This vocabulary is displayed on working walls and all pupils are encouraged to use the correct vocabulary.

Fact Fluency

Arithmetic and fact fluency practice is timetabled in addition to daily maths lessons ( see Maths Fact Fluency Progression Map KS2 document).

Woodside is proud to be a Times Table Rockstars school. We have also introduced our own Woodside Times Table Champions Awards that now runs alongside.