PE & Sport

Healthy body, healthy mind…

We know that through participating in sport, children can develop the qualities that will help them in their classroom learning: discipline, resilience, communication and ambition.

We are also keen to carry forward the Olympic and Paralympic values of Friendship, Respect, Excellence, Determination, Courage, Equality and Inspiration into our PE and sport provision.

We are very fortunate to have good indoor and outdoor facilities, including apparatus in the hall, a large playing field, two playgrounds with a range of markings, a trim trail and specific outdoor areas for the Early Years Foundation Stage and Y1 children.

PE is an important part of the timetable, where children can explore basic skills, evaluate and improve their progress and increase their knowledge and understanding of fitness and health.

Pupils take part in a minimum of two hours of PE a week (indoor and outdoor), including coaching in tennis, cricket, football and netball. Children also enjoy daily play outside at break and lunch time with access to a variety of equipment.

Equality and inclusion

We are committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for all pupils, irrespective of race, gender, disability, faith or religion or socio-economic background.

We aim to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity in which all pupils feel able to participate fully in sports activities.

Analysis of children taking part in sports activities show girls, pupils with SEN and children qualifying for Free School Meals all accessing PE and sport opportunities.


We are part of the affiliation scheme with the Warwickshire Cricket Board, who provide cricket coaching and competition events for both boys and girls in Key Stage 2.

Ball games

We coach children in tennis, football, netball and rugby.


We have thriving girls and boys football teams who regularly compete against other North Warwickshire schools. Children who are identified as “gifted and talented” in sport are encouraged to take opportunities that will help them achieve their potential, and we are proud of their successes in areas such as in cross country.

Celebrating sporting achievements

Sports days are held annually in the summer term. EYFS and KS1 take part in traditional races such as the egg and spoon and relay races. Juniors compete in their house teams in athletic disciplines they have been practising, such as javelin, sprint and long jump. These events are very well supported by parents and carers, and the emphasis is on the importance of team effort, fair play and trying your best – and of course having fun!

Working with external partners

Class teachers lead PE lessons, and specialist coaches from the county council and external providers are also used. We are affiliated to the North Warwickshire Sports Partnership. 


We offer cycling proficiency training for Key Stage 2 children, which is designed to give them the skills and confidence to ride their bikes on today’s roads.


Children in Years 3 and 4 go swimming at Kingsbury School pool.  Parents are asked to pay to help cover transport costs. Pupils work towards distance and water safety awards. All pupils should be able to swim at least 25m unaided by the time they finish lessons at the end of Year 4. 

Inspiring our pupils

We organise visits from sports people who have excelled in their field in order to inspire our pupils and impart the principles of hard work and determination that are needed to succeed.

Residential trips

Children in KS2 have the opportunity to go to on a variety of residentials to experience outward bound activities including climbing and archery. 

Extra-curricular sports activities

We are pleased to offer our pupils a range of extra-curricular sports activities at after school, including circuits, running, Nordic walking and multi sports.  Some activities are free and others carry a small charge. There are different opportunities available for children and at different times of year. All external providers have the relevant DBS/CRB checks and insurance.

P.E Hub Scheme of work


PE HUB planning is used to deliver our PE curriculum at Woodside

  • Constructed to ensure prior learning is revisited.
  • Core knowledge and vocab decided based on requirements of the NC.
  • Areas of study have been chosen based on the demographic and needs of the school to expose children to as much as possible.
  • Specialist coaches are used to enrich and support our teaching of particular activities and to provide exit routes by way of afterschool clubs and competitions.
  • Each NC thread is built on over time, so children learn more and remember more.
  • Each lesson starts with the opportunity to revise the previous and any prior knowledge they need in the lesson upcoming to support children with embedding the knowledge in their long-term memory.

Competitions are provided through our partnerships with North Warwickshire School Sport Association.

The schools core values are weaved throughout the curriculum for PE in the way in which pupils engage with each other in teams and as opponents.

These values are: respect, love, challenging injustice, hope and forgiveness.

British values of  tolerance, diversity, respect, rule of law and individual liberty are also promoted through The PE curriculum and wider opportunities.

We believe that through the accumulation and application of knowledge children are equipped to experience life in all its fullness (John 10:10) .

P.E National Curriculum

National Curriculum – Physical education key stages 1 to 2 (